Tonight I went to a yin yoga class – as my hips were protesting the long holds, I had plenty of time to think about my yoga practice. I have come a long way since my Tuesday Night Yoga promise (when I decided I wanted to reconnect with my former regular yoga practice), actually having met this goal without realizing it. Morning exercise is a well ingrained habit at this point (something I still marvel at) but with transitioning to a new job, I practiced less in March and April, and May was barely an average of twice a week. While I can go to 7am yoga and still make it on time at my new job, the logistical gymnastics to do so makes it attractive only a couple of weekday mornings, as opposed to every morning. Making up the time I usually spent at yoga with jaunts to the gym is far easier on the schedule.
The thing is, for the first time since January, I do miss yoga. I feel like the last few months I have had a maintenance yoga practice, rather than a dynamic one. I have been keeping up with a couple of 7am classes a week, and a restorative yoga class on Sundays, but the truth is, I could also go to yoga at night if I was serious about adding to my practice. Of course, the downside of a morning exercise routine is that the thought of exercising at night is less appealing than ever. Enter Tuesday night yin yoga. As I was reading through my yoga attendance schedule of the last few months, I realized that I had not been to yin yoga in several months, and figured it was the perfect addition. It would be an additional yoga class, but more supplementing my exercise routine than replacing something in it. And, it would be a nice addition to my self-care this week, and hopefully in other weeks to come.
It is interesting to behold how self-care routines shift. On one hand I am proud of having continues to exercise despite all the transitions in my life, but on the other, I am realizing I forgot about yin for months – and that used to be a big part of my self-care routine for a long time, especially before I had the stamina to move as much as I do now. Other than my missing yin yoga, I was feeling introspective on self-care because the lovely Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness has suggested doing a redux of our self-care retreat from last year. Our co-hostesses are Iris of Daily Dietribe, Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl, and Shirley of Gluten-Free Easily. Starting this weekend, we will each be hosting (on Saturdays) by sharing our reflections on self-care. Cheryl is writing about food this weekend, whiel my designated Sunday is July 7, followed by Shirley, Carrie and Iris. And on that note, I am off to read a magazine and get to bed early/

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I’m looking forward to it too! I definitely need it. Gravity tends to have its pull, and it takes being intentional to refocus on self care.
I was eager to participate because I need it, too! In fact I am making a small poster–a mini vision board if you will–of what I do need in my life along these lines.
Sometimes one thing, like Yin Yoga (which one of my dear friends teaches and she led some of us in it at bedtime at my house recently), has such a huge impact! I’m looking forward to self care for us all during July and hoping that it will just gently steam roll into the rest of the year, too. 😉
Thanks to you, Cheryl, Iris, and Carrie for making this happen!
I was just telling Iris what a difference yin yoga has made since learning it a few weeks ago. I don’t feel the need to get up early to do yoga anymore and I feel my energy level is a bit better. Well, along with doing some sporadic Tai Chi, too. But, still. My body feels so much better after yin yoga than any other type of yoga. Can’t wait to see what you all have in store for the self-care!
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