Beach in the City – A seasonal feature about bringing the beach to the city even when you can’t take a vacation.
New York is in the midst of a bad heat wave, complete with high humidity, heat advisories and general misery. It’s the kind of weather where you feel like lotion is going to slip right off your skin after you apply it. But then you don’t apply it for a few days and you start missing it. If you’re me, that is.
That’s invariably when I start looking at in-shower moisturizers – something like the concept of Olay In-Shower Body Lotion but without the icky mineral oil derivatives. Last summer I took to applying pure jojoba oil in the shower right before the final rinse, but that made the tub slick. Plus the jojoba oil did not absorb completely, and it would end up in my towels.
Fortunately, CocoaPink came out with Shower Body Butta this year, and it ROCKS. It’s a very simple combination of all-natural ingredients, including cocoa butter, mango butter, coconut oil, and other yummy oils. I happen to like the smell of cocoa butter, so I get it unscented as it lets the cocoa butter scent really shine. My skin absorbs it and I feel like I have applied a thick lotion, yet can dry up and move straight to dressing without worrying about staining.
CocoaPink opened last October and seems to be really finding its groove. I reviewed them last fall, and have been watching them grow with interest. After some growing pains (particularly with web redesign and maintaining enough inventory to meet demand – especially with cold process soaps), CocoaPink seems to be on its way to give tons of people some pinkness. I will be posting more reviews of products throughout the summer. They offer sample sizes and a rotation of scents in all their products.

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