I love this pearl from the past to the present:
Dear Older Christina,
Remember that time you fell over a chair in front of your dream guy and discovered that you were not embarrassed and that it really wasn’t the end of the world? Try to remember that a bit more and not take yourself so seriously. You were more fun then and laughed a lot more!
Christina at age 15
Please keep sending me pearls of wisdom and I will post them here.
Photo by Savannah Grandfather (via Creative Commons)

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I love these pearls of wisdom, it makes me realize that life doesn't have to be so serious all the time!
Great image, falling from a chair in front of your dream guy! Even better: it wasn't the end of the wall!
love the pearl in reverse. proves that we have a lot to teach ourselves both ways
I like the reverse sentiment here!
Love this. I did trip done some steps 10 years ago (before we were going out!) in front of my now husband… I can laugh about it now but was mortified at the time.