Lavanya’s pearl is a good reminder that life has a way of working out:
To 23 year old Lavanya,
I know right now it seems like the world is going to end, or worse, that it is going to go on forever and ever. Don’t worry. In just a few more months your dreams are going to come true and
you are going to believe in Disney happy endings again.
Just one word of advice- Please finish reading Middlemarch!
– 27 year old Lavanya
Please keep sending me pearls of wisdom and I will post them here. Please also feel free to send pictures with your pearls {whether your own or pictures you like that can be reproduced under Creative Commons licensing}.
Photo by Natalia (via Creative Commons)

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Thank you for posting this..:)
I look forward to reading everybody's pearls of wisdom, each morning..:)
i love this pearl. it is closely how i felt around the age of 25/26 when it seemed my world was falling apart. but currently i couldn't be happier! things do have a way of working themselves out. that old saying comes to mind "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" really rings true sometimes doesn't it?!