Kaileen Elise sent a wonderful pearl in. I particularly like the last line:
You really do want to become an artist, so make it happen now!
You dreams will change dramatically in the next few years.
Try not to plan your life around getting married young & having babies
right after college (you are not your mother).
Embrace your intuition –
you deserve a life of beauty, discovery, and abundance.
I’ll always be here for you,
24-year old Kaileen Elise
Please keep sending me pearls of wisdom and I will post them here. Please also feel free to send pictures with your pearls {whether your own or pictures you like that can be reproduced under Creative Commons licensing}. Kaileen Elise actually sent me the link to the photo above.
Photo by electronic pineapple (via Creative Commons)

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
love this pearl. i agree, we need to be who we are, not someone else, or what someone else *wants* us to be!
soooooo true!
i really loved this exercise – it's a new way of thinking about myself.
after i emailed this to citygirl i wondered if there are things the 30 year old kaileenelise will want to tell me?