I love Kiki’s blog Yogademia as it is packed with wisdom. My latest favorite post was the one on balancing love and work.
Here is the pearl of wisdom Kiki shares with us today:
Dear Kiki aged 22,
Arm yourself with this phrase to make it through your Ph.D. with less stress, pain and anger: Illegitimi non carborundum – Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Kiki, nine months away from being Dr. Kiki
You are going to meet some real characters, and they will certainly
try to grind down the diamond that you are working so hard to become. Believe with all your might that they cannot erode your soul or dull your sparkle, and put that belief into action every day. If you do, then the path will unfold brilliantly in front of you.Have faith,
Kiki, nine months away from being Dr. Kiki
Please keep sending me pearls of wisdom and I will post them here. Please also feel free to send pictures with your pearls {whether your own or pictures you like that can be reproduced under Creative Commons licensing}.
Photo courtesy of Yogademia

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Thanks, City Girl! I'm really loving the range of advice these pearls are "stringing" together.
i can't wait to call you Dr. Kiki!! đŸ˜‰
very powerful pearl! loved it!
Love it! And will remember this when I resume my studies in January. You are nearly there – what a massive achievment.