Lauren’s pearl is so true:
Dear 22 year-old Lauren:
Even if it doesn’t seem this way now, not everyone gets the job of their dreams immediately after college. There are many life lessons to be learned from waiting tables. Just wait–you’ll be happy sooner than you think. And start doing yoga, will you? It’s good for stress relief but more than that, it will change your life.
Lauren, age 28
Photo from unforth (via Creative Commons)

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i love this pearl. so much of it rings true for me as well.
waiting tables was my first job. i did it from 16 – 20 (during high school and part of college). and it took me to 30 before i found my dream job. better late than never.
and yes, i wish i had started yoga earlier as well.
Wonderful pearl!
Keep the pearls coming!
I am loving reading these…. thanks for sharing.