Sarah, who writes a great blog about focused living in an unfocused way, shared this pearl:
Life isn’t always how you envision it to be. I know you strive to maintain as much control in your life, as you will learn later in on, because it is your way of feeling there is stability. But sometimes, those moments that are life changing, especially when it comes to your career and academics are meant to be. Do what makes you happy, otherwise anxiety will get the best of you. Consider this when facing challenging situations: In Sanskrit, Abhaya means fearlessness. In Buddhist tradition, Buddha made this hand gesture after gaining enlightenment. Next time you feel anxious and fear, try the mudra (hand position). Place your right hand in the air next to your ear with elbows bent. Fingers are closed. Place your left hand down, palm facing upward. Imagine your right hand taking in whatever stressors are moving towards you with courage and strength, no fear. Breathe in deeply through your belly and imagine your left hand releasing the stress and negative energy. Free your mind of the fear and open yourself to the truth.
Photo credit: Rudhach
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this is wonderful. i'll have to try the mudra!
Beautiful. Love this, Sarah.
this is a fantastic pearl. we can all take something away from it.
completely lovely, sarah!