One of the things I loved about the Full Moon Yoga class was how we received little cards to fill out – they were entitled Full Moon Aspirations, and the concept of returning to one’s intention was more greatly emphasized that in a regular yoga class.
The class had a significant section devoted to moon salutations, which are slightly different than sun salutations in terms of which side leads, in contrast to sun salutations. The class also made more use of visualization, colors and chanting than most yoga classes I have attended, and it was a nice change. We did the moon salutation while listening to sanskrit chants, and later on in the class, we did a specific pose for each chakra, accompanied with a different chant and visualizing a different color.
It was all very new to me, but I enjoyed how absorbed I got in the class and how quickly it went by. At the end I felt very relaxed but also renewed. I took my little aspirations sheet home and incorporated it into a collage, as I was inspired by both the yoga class and looking at the full moon dreamboards linked from Jamie Ridler’s site.

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Now this sounded awesome!
I just realized I still have not sent you my Pearl Wisdom thingy. UGH!!
Sounds wonderful..I really need to start incorporating yoga into my routine. Loved the glimpse of your collage too.
i love it that you had a great yoga workshop. i love your dreamboard as well. i hope all of your dreams become realities my friend! hugs!!
GORGEOUS! I love how you've depicted it.