Lately I have been thinking more and more about what it means to enjoy being physically active. You see, I never get endorphin highs from exercising. Even a great yoga class does not bring me to that point. I also used to get awful headaches and rolling nausea post-exercise, despite being hydrated, having eaten enough, but not too soon before working out, and all the other things one is supposed to do to not get headaches. In hindsight, those were likely tied to sinus issues, as the headaches have gotten better this year, likely because of cutting out certain foods – at this point, I get some headaches but they are better, and the nausea is also better, so there is some improvement. That said, between the headaches, the no-endorphins, and an element of natural lazyness (given a free 2 hour period, i would rather go for a long walk than go to the gym, but really, I would rather be curled up with a magazine than think about going for a walk) exercise is completely unattractive to me.
When people tell me how much they enjoy exercising, I find myself wondering what it is they feel or see I do not. And I have worked on liking moving physically, other than walking (which I love) for a long time. One of the things I have learned is that yoga is very much a gateway for me to want to exercise (usually, a few weeks of sustained yoga make me want to run or try other exercises, but if not, my logic is that I am still doing yoga and therefore moving). Another thing I have relied on over the years to exercise is group classes (mainly for yoga, but also for other things like pilates and cross-training classes) – but with my current work schedule, that is not as much of an option.
The biggest change I have felt shifting in myself in recent years is that I am slowly accepting the fact that building more of a home yoga practice is not just a good idea, but pretty much the only idea, if I am going to conquer all the above feelings. Ironically, part of the reason I keep resisting it is that I have several wonderful yoga studios within mere minutes of my apartment. But, those lovely studios are not much use when my schedule does not allow me to go often.
So for my wishcasting this Wednesday, I wish to stretch physically, first through more yoga, both at home and at studios, and eventually through other forms of exercise.

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As City Girl wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so too do I wish for her!
Wow, I can so relate to your question about what others see and feel about exercise that I just don't get.
Sometimes I think I'm missing a critically important gene. I'm glad to hear someone else admitting the same.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also.
Here's to both of us stretching a bit for our own good and health.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I blissfully wish for her also.
Okay. I admit it. I get this AMAZING HIGH from working out. AMAZING!
But I know a LOT of people who do not. You are not alone. My partner is one of them. So we talk a lot about this, about how to stay motivated when you don't get anything awesome in exchange.
Yes, there is the "good health" thing, but she'd rather be painting, like you'd rather be reading.
Very difficult…
I hope your wishes come true!!
And I hear you. I do feel good after an hour at the gym (mostly because I finish off with stretches and 'shavasana' for 10 mins) but am never motivated enough to go regularly. Especially now that I am cooking at home regularly, I am so tired at the end of the day, that I really can't think of going to the gym. And then when I do have time, like you, I either want to read or do something creative.
I am thinking of starting a regular yoga practice too- but since I am not a very experienced I don't want to do this at home right now.
(We should start an exercise support group- like an appendage of SWIM..:D)
As City Girl wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.
I so get this. I've never been high from exercising, yet I know a number of people who do. If they can do it, so can we. The potential is there for you to tap into. You can do it!
I have the same experience with exercise. No endorphins and if I'm not careful, the repeated negative experience of fatigue and soreness just builds until the whole thing is too stressful. I just try to notice how good I feel the next day or over the course of a week compared to when I don't exercise. Noticing that brings a sense of reward.
As work is building up, my home practice is breaking down. I wish your practice goes well – podcasts, podcasts, podcasts! They are absolutely the way to go.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.
I also don't get the high from working out that others seem to get. I think walking will do for me for now. 😉
As City Girl wishes for herself, so too do I wish for City Girl.♥
Building a home practice is SO hard. I find that I don't think I'll push myself enough or give myself a hard enough "workout" if I practice at home, which is one of the reasons I prefer studios. Also, I enjoy the "play" involved at studios that I can't do in my own home due to space restrictions.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I sincerely wish for her also.
Wishing you nothing but goodness as you stretch your body and soul.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so too do I wish for City Girl.
I do find that if I gain consistency, I may not enjoy the exercise, but I enjoy the feelings I have the rest of the day from the exercise. I need to find a good yoga studio.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I have also found that the best way for me to consistent yoga is to have a home practice. I recently bought Kimberly Wilson's yoga routines on Itunes and they have made my home practice much more frequent and likely to happen. Once a day I set aside twenty minutes and turn on my Ipod and do whatever sequence appeals to me.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Namaste.
As City Girl wishes to stretch, I wish for her as well.
City girl, that which you wish for, i wish for you also.
As City Girl wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.
Don't sell the long walks short though. It is a wonderful form of exercise, pretty much the only one I have been able to engage in for the last 2 years (and usually it's only as transportation), and although I desperately need to regain my pre-pregnancy strength and flexibility, I am fit and healthy.
As City Girl wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.
I wish for you all that you wish for in your heart.
I hear you–I force myself to exercise each day. I enjoy how I feel after pilates or a good walk, though, but the treadmill and other forms are just necessary evils
As City Girl wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I love this post! I too never really have a high after exercising and after running (intense running) I often get a headache, and it has nothing to do with hydration. I find using a studio can be tricky when it comes to time and money. I always (and you've probably seen me recommend this before) yogamazing podcasts for home practice. They are videos available for free on iTunes. Each podcast is short in length, about 20-25 mins (from breathing to svasana), which is great if you want to get in a quick practice. Whenever I want a longer practice, I sometimes just do 2 podcasts.
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