My goal this month is actually going to be a continuation of my December goals and incorporating some of the words that are inspiring me for 2010:
*Sparkle and shine, whether in person, on the page and virtually
*Embrace to-do lists in sparkly pen, rather than feel like life is ruled by them
*Yoga two to three times weekly
*Incorporate more music and podcasts in my life (aka MP3 afternoon which I keep meaning to do since November)
*Collage twice a month, as I find it incredibly relaxing
*View every day as opportunities for unlocking potential
And, because we chatted on the topic of changing blogging approaches and blog identity crises, I have to let you know I am still mulling how to blog. In fact, one of the pretty little stars above was supposed to be about whatever blogging approach I picked and would pursue this month. Many bloggers are promising new and better blogs for the new year, with more graphics and varied media which is lovely, but I just kind of like to chat with you all the way we have been chatting for going on three years (especially if you read this blog when I mostly wrote about beauty products). I would like, at some point, a custom header, but I do like the simplicity of the above right now.
I have done the topic for certain days concept (Beauty Monday, What’s Cooking Wednesday, Thursdays focused on balanced and wellness) for almost 18 months, and while so many blogs do that, and more are moving that route, I am torn. There are times I find the topic per day concept brilliantly helpful and motivating to write, not to mention helpful for readers, and others where I feel constrained. I may change my mind again, but for now I think I will keep What’s Cooking Wednesday, because I try several new recipes a month and love to share them with you, and also add a category called something like City Girl Reviews – beyond that, though, I do not think I will make too many changes any time soon. Maybe I should change my tag-line from “Smiling Amid Urban Chaos” to “A Blog with An Identity Crisis”…

General Disclosures & Disclaimers
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CGL, great thoughts. You already do sparkle and shine, though!
Happy 2010 to you.
J'adore the chatting.
Isn't it funny how blogging can, at times, seem so challenging? I'm still debating which way to go, but either way, I'm glad both our blogs are here!
Happy New Year, friend!!
I understand your thoughts on blog topics/themes. I tried giving themes to certain days, but then after several weeks I felt like I had no more to say about the topic. Therefore, I just admit my blog is incredibly unfocused!
happy new year:) i like the chatting, and i enjoy your blog whatever form it takes. my blog, too, has an identity crisis…following my creative whims and random thoughts. i think that's okay.
Whatever identity you decide on… I'll be here (when I can). đŸ˜‰
I love WCW, too, but will only surrender to it when I feel the urge.
It's so funny to me, because I feel like your blog has one of the strongest voices. The way you write, you sound so confident, so assured and so "with-ith". I love just reading about what you write, even if it doesn't have a set agenda, it just all seems to flow. One of your segments that I enjoyed the most was the 'Pearls of Wisdom'. Even though I never sent mine to you, after reading them, I wrote a number of my own. Maybe that's something you should look at again. Just a thought.
Anyway, thanks for the great advice on the notebooks, I'm head to B&N after work today to see if I can pick one up.
I'm with Chelsea – Loved your Pearls. That could definitely be a staple of your blog
honestly, i have enjoyed everything you have ever written. i love your blog and will continue to love it no matter what you write.
my blog is pretty random. i do have my 'monday moment of zen' postings but that's about the only thing that is really consistent. but i kind of like it that way. i feel like if i have to write it then i probably won't want to, kwim? plus keeping that consistency is sometimes very difficult as schedules (and life) sometimes get in the way. and besides, there's no real need to pigeon-hole yourself under any label when it comes to blogging. we have so many labels outside of this blog it feels better to be label-free in the blogging sense.
whatever you decide i know it will rock – because you rock!! hugs!!
I have to agree with Melita. I look forward to your posts irrespective of the topic..
I do understand the feeling of blog identity crisis.I think the key is to make sure you feel creatively satisfied/expressed and the rest will follow..
Happy Happy New Year!!
I like the chatting format. I think as long as you're posting about what's interesting and exciting to you, your readers will be happy too.
I kind of like the randomness of some blogs–each post is a surprise 
Ditto on everyone's comments about the chatting format – it's accessible, entertaining, always useful, interesting, thought-provoking. In other words, it's you! But from what you said about wanting more sparkling ink, chances to listen to podcasts, collages, and practicing yoga, I get the impression that you're feeling like your identity is being compressed by your to-do lists like you mentioned. Do you feel like this is challenging your blog identity as well?
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