I Can’t Wait for Spring

by Valerie on February 19, 2010 · 7 comments

Swiss Landscape 

I cannot remember another winter where I could not wait for spring the way I am this winter.  I am always one who thinks the time goes by too fast, but these days, I am ok with it. Every day means another day closer to spring.  Last night, there was still daylight around 5pm, which delighted me. 

I was looking back at my last few blog posts, and it might seem that all I have done is sample vegan cheese and go to Switzerland (talk about an oxymoron, though if you are curious about how I survived not eating cheese there, click here).  Still, I am due for a listmania update type of thing, so here we go:

*Worked every day of January, up until I left for Switzerland.
*Visited my family in Switzerland (see here for various posts and pictures on my time there).
*Missed one big snowstorm in Washington, DC.
*Our flight was cancelled because of the second big snowstorm in Washington, DC.
*Managed to fly out before third big snowstorm in Washington, DC.
*Arrived in Washington, DC to witness probably the worst chaos I have ever seen at Dulles Airport – 4 hours went by between landing at the airport and departing the airport.
*The two days after going involved work and going to the grocery store to get ready for, yes, you guessed it, the third big snowstorm in this area. 
*Worked from home during third big snowstorm.
*The snowstorm them was beyond old at that point.
*Did I mention it barely snowed while I was in Switzerland, and it definitely was not snow that stuck
*On the cooking front, my new obsessions steamed spinach with tamari and sesame seeds and this buckwheat pizza crust (which I tweaked by adding quinoa flour). I have made both several time in the last few weeks. I also want to try to make this quinoa-chickpea flour flatbread.
*I bought dulse for the first time recently – while I was not in love with the recipe that required the dulse, I am loving dulse itself, particularly with avocado slices wrapped in nori.  Yum! 

And that’s most of my news these days.  Between work and travel, it has been hard to indulge in collaging and just general being, though I am working on that. I have gotten in a couple of yoga classes at least. Thank you all for your lovely comments.  They make me so very happy. 

Are you hoping Spring arrives soon too?
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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Kate Vickers Deriso February 19, 2010 at 4:21 pm

YES! i can't wait for spring! i am going a little nuts with this cold and snow.


2 FRANNIE February 19, 2010 at 6:01 pm

I am so tired of winter this year! Bring on the next season, I'm so ready.


3 The Curator February 19, 2010 at 8:13 pm

I cannot wait for spring. Winter has always been a hated season for me (except for when I lived in D.C., when the humidity had me hating summer instead) and this one and the one last year were especially bad. Last year it was unseasonably cold – the coldest winter we had in almost 30 years, and this year the enormous amount of snow is making me miserable, despite having provided some days off from work. Come on spring, hurry up!!!


4 Carolyn February 19, 2010 at 9:26 pm

I too am looking forward to Spring, but not quite yet. You see, spring in TX doesn't last very long, and summer is UNBEARABLY HOT and LONG. So… yeah. I'm okay with it being cold for a little longer!


5 Ellecubed February 19, 2010 at 10:12 pm

I am another one who is eagerly anticipating the spring. I am so delighted that you mentioned the buckwheat pizza crust. I was intending to try it this weekend and now I am super excited to give it a go.


6 Karley February 20, 2010 at 4:15 pm

I cannot wait for spring. Although you have had more snow than we have in upstate NY (which is shocking!), it's been a long winter and I long for the lilacs to be blooming, the birds chirping, and the boys splashing in their pool trying to get me wet.


7 wishful nals February 23, 2010 at 6:49 pm

ohmygoodness, i cannot wait until spring arrives! ps. great list!


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