Hi everyone. Thank you for your super sweet comments, emails and tweets since I posted about my not-so-fun Friday. I am feeling better, and the pain has become more dull. While I slept for the majority of the day on Sunday, oddly on Saturday I felt best while standing, which came in handy, because I was in the mood to cook then too. Specifically, I wanted to make this wonderful Spicy Zucchini and Chana Dal from Affairs of Living (you’ve seen me rave about the recipes on Kim’s blog here). I also had a hankering to make Ethiopian-style Collards (recipe here by Dynise Balcavage, the author of the Urban Vegan, a book that looks lovely and I plan to add to my cookbook collection), but wanted something richer than the water-and-teff based injeras the recipe recommends.
Specifically, I had in mind a kefir based flatbread. I had tried a Millet and Quinoa Flatbread from Affairs of Living recently, but while the texture was fantastically moist, I decided millet flour-based breads just do not appeal to me (this was the third millet-based bread I had made and not loved, despite it being objectively good). Also, I really wanted my flatbread to be made in time for dinner on Saturday, so overnight soaking was out. I am calling this a flatbread, because I know it is not authentic injera, but I found the flavor very reminiscent of injera.
Teff Kefir Flatbread {Vegan, Gluten-Free}
Makes 4 flatbreads, enough for 2-4 servings
Inspired by Affairs of Living and Dynise Balcavage
1 cup teff flour (I like this one)
3/4 cup kefir (I use So Delicious Original Coconut Milk Kefir, which is unsweetened, but use your choice of kefir. See note below)
3/4 cup water
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
Grapeseed oil, for greasing the pan
In a large bowl, combined the teff flour, kefir, water, vinegar and salt until the mixture has the texture of a thick pancake batter. Add more water if necessary. Cover with a kitchen towel and set aside for at least an hour (up to 12 hours should be fine based on everything I have read on soaking grains, though I have not tried that myself). Heat a nonstick skillet on high. Drop a little water to see if it sizzles. If so, turn heat down to medium. Heat about a teaspoon grapeseed oil in a nonstick skillet. Using a 1/2 cup measure, pour 1/2 cup of the batter in a circular motion so that the flatbread is no more than 1/4 inch thick, preferably even a bit thinner. Cook until bubbles start to form and the surface of the flatbread becomes matte, which should take about five minutes. Flip the flatbread and cook until firm, which should be about 3 to 4 minutes. Repeat three more times. Recipe should yield four pancakes.
This was a lovely flatbread – dense yet airy, and a perfect complement to an Indian- or Ethiopian- spiced dinner. I did use So Delicious Original Coconut Milk Kefir which some xantham gum. If you prefer to avoid that, I would recommend making your own kefir or, if you tolerate dairy, using cow- or goat-based kefir. I don’t think this would require any changes to the recipe, but having only made the recipe with the vegan coconut-based kefir, I can’t guarantee that. I do find teff to be a very forgiving grain in terms of holding together with just water and some vinegar.
And here is another shot of the meal I made on Saturday night. It was hearty yet light, great comfort food with lots of nutrition:

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Wow that looks delicious! How do they taste compared to pancakes? A little more savory? Same texture?
I just love finding new and interesting ways to use So Delicious coconut milk yogurt and kefir for cooking and baking. Your injera looks wonderful, and I can't wait to try the recipe!
Neat idea to ferment flour and kefir! Did it affect the taste at all? It sounds very savory. I look forward to trying this! Thanks!
Wow how exciting – a recipe with ingredients that we can eat! It looks great. We used to love injera.
I just made this, yum! I was going to make Injera but realized it would take a few days with the starters… this was ready within hours. I use coconut kefir all the time and had some on hand. I think it would be good for wraps and such. Thanks!!
So so glad you enjoyed it
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