Olivia of Green Junkie Living put out a call for gluten-free vegan recipes the other day as she has tons of quinoa and chickpeas and other proteins to use up. I sent her some of my favorites, but then thought I would share some of them with you all as well.
First up is the Pineapple Cashew Quinoa Stir-Fry from Veganomicon (p. 176). I found the recipe online here but the book is a so worth getting, for omnivores and vegans alike (note, to make this recipe gluten-free, just substitute the soy with tamari
The Chickpea Quinoa Pilaf, also from Veganomicon (p. 115-116), also available online.
Epinacas con Garbanzos, which I blogged about here.
Please head on over to Olivia’s blog to suggest recipes, and also stay to read her thoughtful writing. She’s been exploring potential career paths through a series of interviews, which have been wonderful to read.
And while I am sending you to other blogs, do check out the following giveaways:
*Voracious Vegan’s Tofu Press Giveaway
*Kristen’s Raw Giveaway for E-books
*Simply Sugar- and Gluten-Free Giveaway for the Gluten-Free Diner Cookbook
*Dairy-Free Betty’s Cookbook Giveaway

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Thanks for this super-sweet mention! I'm so glad we found each other in the blogosphere. And I just bought my ticket to the States, so maybe we can connect in real life soon.
Everything looks delicious, especially the epinacas with garbanzos.
I'll have to send her some. I have loads of goodies that I have come up with when I have been the same situation. Your creations looks fantastic!
hi val! it was great to hear from you today…i saw a comment of yours on gena's site i think and was gonna click over and say hi but got distracted
thx for the polar 32 friend you 34/36 fits snug info..helpful!
that casserole w/ pinapple looks amazing! i dont own V'Con. Only "big" book i am misisng in my collection…i think i need it
Mmmm those look delish! I don't cook with chickpeas often enough, but they're so super easy and good for you.
looks yummy xxxx