Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger: Beth of Delectably Free

by Valerie on April 5, 2011 · 4 comments

lunches and focacia 021

I don’t know about you, but I always have trouble remembering how I first stumble onto a blog.  I thought I had first found Beth’s blog, Delectably Free, when she posted her gluten-free Focaccia in March 2010, but now I am realizing I was already reading when she posted this lasagna in September 2009.  No matter, as I always love reading her blog. Her recipes are indeed delectable, and gluten-free, sugar-free, and vegan, which are a good fit for me.  Beth started her blog when she was a law student, which impresses me to no end. I had very few creative outlets in law school during the academic year and, in hindsight, was probably always tired and sick not just because of the demands of law school, but because of undiagnosed food intolerances. 

I also have Beth to thank for another reason.  One day, I realized she had added me to her blog roll, called Blogs I Love, which made my day since I read her blog whenever she posts, but she had listed me not as a gluten-free blogger, but as a Health/Fitness blog.  This happened about the time I was having one of my many blogging existential crises, and it was a nice reminder that my blog is not just about recipes, but also about living healthfully, even if I very rarely post about workouts and so forth.  Sometimes, epiphanies comes from the outside.

So let’s talk recipes. Beth has many.  First the gluten-free Focaccia, which you see above.  It is mainly grain-free too, as the main flour is garfava (though you substitute chickpea flour).   I have been wanting to make grain-free starch-free flaxseed-free focaccia for a while, and Beth’s recipe was the closest that I could find – and I had had it in my recipe file for a year.  It has some starch, and also 1/2 cup of flaxseeds, but I made the recipe exactly as written, because I wanted to get a sense of what it was supposed to be like before I started tweaking it (I am mildly allergic to flax seeds, so I try to keep those at a minimum).  The focaccia was spectacular. Bready, doughy, fragrant. A must-try.

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I also made Beth’s Miso Tahini dressing, which is tangy, sweet, savory – just plain amazing.  You can see it above atop steamed broccoli next to steamed kale with more dressing.  Beth created this recipe to uphold her promise to eat lower-carb vegan. I find that I do better with a lower-grain approach (carbs seem to be fine for me in the form of sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and the like) so have been really loving her lower-carb recipes, which also happen to be grain-free.  I made the dressing, and wish I had had the time to make her Portobellos And Gravy recipe too.

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Lower-grain does not mean grain-free for me – I do still occasionally enjoy grain-based treats and meals – and Beth’s Sweet Cinnamon Crisps are both simple and lovely.  They are easy to make and sweetened with stevia.

I encourage you to check out Beth’s blog if you have not yet become acquainted with her.  There are many other recipes I would like to make and you may too.

This post is my submission for this month’s Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger, created and hosted by Sea of Book of Yum.  It is also my submission to this week’s Gluten-Free Wednesday over that the Gluten-Free Homemaker.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Beth April 5, 2011 at 10:40 pm

Valerie — Wow!!! I am so honored to be "adopted" by such a wonderful blogger. I love your pictures and what you did with my recipes!!!

With regard to the "blogs I love", I categorized those that don't fit into one particular category, alone, according to what I see them as first and foremost. Since your blog provides overall health inspiration for me, I put you under health and fitness : ) It's true, we see things differently through someone else's lens…or computer screen, I guess.

Thanks, again! I am beyond happy you enjoyed the recipes! : )


2 Cheryl Harris April 6, 2011 at 2:34 am

those picture are just stunning, Valerie! I mean, moreso than usual =). What a tasty adoption!


3 Valerie @ City|Life|Eats April 10, 2011 at 5:33 pm

@Beth – it was a pleasure to adopt you :)

@Cheryl – aww thanks. I have been playing around more with the manual settings on my point and shoot and also sharpened the pictures (just the last two, not the foccacia) a bit using the sharpen tool in Windows Live-writer.


4 Farty Girl April 10, 2011 at 11:55 pm

Holy crap! Gluten free FOCCACIA?! I worked in an Italian restaurant for many years, and subsisted off foccacia… I miss it so much. Thanks for the link!!!!


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