First, thank you for all the sweet comments, emails and tweets regarding my completing the 21-day yoga challenge.
And now back to regularly scheduled programming, namely the lunchboxes, which is one thing I pride myself on blogging (mostly) consistently. This week was, yes, so not according to plan. I know I usually do a regular lunchbox Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then slightly different lunchbox posts on Tuesdays and Fridays, but this week I am switching things around a bit.
First here is yesterday’s lunchbox – typical for a Friday lunchbox in its hodge-podge quality:
- Half of Angela’s Mushroom Pizza – I had made two on Thursday night, intending to eat one and save the other, but it was so delicious and gooey that I ended up eating one and a half
- Yet another attempt at a vegan grain-free savory muffin using green juice pulp
- Cheryl’s Sniffle Stew, made with black-eyed peas instead of chickpeas. I adopted Cheryl as part of my monthly Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger cooking – I am loving this recipe and have made it three times already. Adoption post forthcoming!
- Roasted sweet potato, mashed with raw cacao, vanilla stevia and a bit of almond milk,
- Green Juice: kale stalks, ginger, lime juice, carrots, celery, parsley
And now for the switching up – the remaining two lunchbox posts this week are actually about my kitchen – it only seems fair to show you where the lunchboxes come from. I going through the pictures now and deciding how to organize those two posts.
Have a great weekend!
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