Giveaway extended to Friday August 26, 2011 at midnight EST
I was recently contacted by the organizers of the Take Back Your Health Conference, which will be held in the Washington, DC area on October 23 and 23 2011 and will host several well-known health and wellness experts, including Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Victoria Moran and Andrea Beaman. I was really excited when I read the roster of speakers and topics, as it provides several differing perspectives on how to attain good health. I do not agree with all of them, but I do think one important element of good health is informing yourself and knowing why you make certain decisions. To me that is part of empowering yourself to take care of your health.
I am lucky to be able to attend this conference free of charge, and even luckier to be able to offer one City|Life|Eats reader a chance to attend this conference for free as well. Details below, but first I wanted to note that as someone who has an abnormal reaction to consuming gluten and has therefore benefited significantly from a gluten-free diet, I am particularly interested in how the topic of gluten-free diets relates to chronic pain, auto immune health issues, and good health in general, especially as there are so many different opinions on this topic. The majority of the speakers will be speaking about overall health generally rather than specific conditions, but one of the speakers, Andrea Bearman, will speak on thyroid health and the importance of gluten-free grains, and all the cooking demos will be gluten-free. So if your interest in taking back your health includes an interest in the gluten-free diet and its impact on health, this will be addressed in some parts of the conference. Many of the speakers support a plant-based approach to good health, though other viewpoints will be represented as well.
Please note that the giveaway is only for attendance to conference. It does not include accomodations or travel. If you are local to the Washington, DC area or like to travel and would like to enter, please see below.
1) Leave a comment on this post telling me why you would like to attend this conference.
2) Tweet the following: @citylifeeats is giving away a free ticket to Take Back Your Health in DC here: – be sure to leave a comment here saying you tweeted.
3) Start following me on twitter. Leave a comment here saying you are now following me.
Entries are due midnight EST August 22, 2011. <– extended to Friday August 26, 2011 at midnight
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{ 27 comments… read them below or add one }
Sounds like a wonderful and informative conference. I have been trying to learn all I can about taking control of our individual health, as well as the negative impact of gluten and toxic chemicals, that are widely accepted and often unknown, on our bodies. I would like to see this information become main stream, and not just centered in big cities. Thank you for sharing as you do.
I would love to attend the Take Back Your Health conference! As a dietetics student, health fanatic, and recent blogger this would be such a great opportunity for me (and something I couldn't afford on my own!) Thanks so much Valerie!
Number one, I think it'd be an amazing opportunity as a student majoring in pre-dietics and working full time to pay for school, I can't really afford much on the side…I tried to attend Healthy Living Summit, but it is the weekend of my bday, so I felt guilty about leaving my family. This would be an exciting experience for me, and I would love to do a blogger meetup, if I won! Thanks for the giveaway (:
tweeted! @cox_2446
I'm following (: @ cox_2446
This contest ends the day after my bday! tee hee.
I would love to attend the Take Back Your Health Conference to learn about ways to improve my own health as well as incorporate the learning sessions into my new Food Studies graduate school program.
Thanks Valerie!
I would love to attend — I'm a vegan and was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (a hypothyroid disease)so I would LOVE to hear from Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Victoria Moran and Andrea Beaman.
I also tweeted about the contest from @AmberMcD.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
This sounds fabulous. Would love to join and be inspired.
I would love to attend! I am just getting into healthy living blogs and get so much inspiration and insight from everyone! It is such a great community. I have just moved back to the DC area and am looking to explore healthy options here too. I would love to hear experts speak on health/food issues at the conference and to get to meet the DC community.
I am also following you now – @meganmp12
and just tweeted as well (sorry for all the multiple comments) – @meganmp12
Thanks for the great giveaway!
What an amazing opportunity! I live 2 hours south of the city and would be able to come up and bunk with friends for the opportunity to attend this conference! As a vegan for less than a year with a son who is allergic to wheat I feel like I could learn a lot about managing my auto-immune disorder and his issues.
Regardless of whether or not I go, enjoy this conference. I agree that finding out more about things, even if its not all things you agree with, helps us learn and grow!
posted that on twitter!
I would love to hear all of the great speakers and be inspired to try new foods and forms of cooking
followed you!
I just started eating gluten-free earlier this year and am amazed at how much better I feel. I'm slowly starting to change the diet of my entire family, as opposed to just mine. This conference would be such a help with that!
Amazing giveaway Valerie! I wish I could go, but I already have a trip that weekend. I will get the word out via social networking though. Have fun!
What a fantastic conference! As a vegan who has recently been diagnosed with multiple food allergies (hooray), I think I would benefit greatly from hearing so many experts speak on the topic of attaining and managing good health through a plant-based diet. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a teenage girl in the DC area who is very interested in health and nutrition! I would love the chance to go to this conference!
Just followed you on Twitter!
And I would love to go, I live in Portland, OR but have been wanting to visit VA for some time. And what better way to do it than by going to a conference all about healthy eating, right?!
I posted your tweet!
as someone who has been battling some difficult health problems the last year and is also a huge advocate of healthy living, this conference looks right up my alley!
I've discovered through my own experimentation that I definitely have some kind of sensitivity to gluten, but being able to attend the conference would insure that I have more information to explain my choice to have a GF kitchen at home to family members and friends.
I'm following you on twitter! (my handle is @SerotoninSarah)
And I tweeted!
I'd love to attend the conference which is in my backyard! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have chronic health problems, and am always trying to learn more to improve my quality of life. Thanks for offering the giveaway, and for taking the time to let me know!