Happy Sunday! As regular readers may have picked up, the lunchbox series has unofficially gone on a bit of a hiatus for a few… many reasons. Some of it is the bad light in the morning (can.not.wait.for.end.of.Daylight.savings), some of it is that after 13 months of nearly uninterrupted lunchbox blogging, I started running out of ideas, some of it is the fact that my growing blog inbox of messages needing responses is just growing, not to mention guest posts I have promised people.
Initially, my plan was to do a series of behind-the-scenes posts starting Tuesday November 1 and then resume normal lunchbox posts on November 7, but now I am thinking of pushing everything back a week, mainly because my behind the scenes posts might be a tad bit mundane.
By way of example, let’s look at this weekend. I knew I would be occupied for most of the weekend, so on Saturday night, I chose to make a dinner that resulted in four servings of leftovers (a comforting tahini-laced collards and tofu dish – recipe coming in a few days!) and tonight I came home to find my husband roasting butternut squash for both of us for the next couple of days, so promptly claimed a few slices to top with a miso-tahini walnut topping and roast a bit longer. I stashed the rest of the miso-tahini walnut topping in the fridge to use in a wrap later in the week. Incidentally, to save time, I used the Vitamix for the miso tahini walnut topping which, while less optimal than a mini prep or the small bowl of my food processor, meant I saved time by not having to pull out either of those appliances (you can see that the Vitamix just lives on the counter). Then, sine I had already dirtied the Vitamix, I also made a batch of these high-protein kale chips for both of us for the next few days. I started pulling out the juicer tonight, as I try to make green juice on Sundays for the next couple of days (I use this masticating juicer, which means I can make juice that lasts up a to a couple of days if tightly sealed and properly stored) but decided that would have to wait as I need some sleep.
In the meantime, what would you like to see in Today’s Lunchbox series?
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