Happy New Year’s Eve! I took a bit of a semi-unforeseen technology break these last couple of weeks. As I often do, I am easing into the New Year’s – meaning that while 2012 officially starts tomorrow, my new planner has not yet arrived (at least I ordered it before Christmas – hmmm, actually, come to think of it, it has not yet shipped. Must.check.on.that), and I am still musing resolutions/goals/dreams and so forth. I used to be the anti-resolution gal for years – after all, some of my biggest changes in my life were resolved at times nowhere near January 1 – but I made some resolutions for 2011 and I found the process behind them very grounding, as was the checking-in on them periodically.
I am about to write up a post on my December Sanity Challenge outcome and then off to muse on 2012, but I wanted to leave you with these super-fun pictures of an art journal session earlier this month with friends Julia, Lisa, Julie, Jessica (of Chakras), Danielle and Hilary.

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Happy New Year!
Fun for sure! Happy New Year, Valerie! I’m excited about 2012.
Thanks for another year of blogging here at City | Life | Eats!