Today is actually Day 20 of this challenge, but I have not gone to yoga yet (I am leaving in a few minutes) which is why I am recounting only up to Day 19. Since I last checked in with you about the challenge (wow, it has already been a whole week), I have gotten in another Yoga 1 class as well as 5 all levels classes (4 at 7am), and am looking at today and tomorrow, the last two days of the challenge, with three remaining classes to take, as I took Monday off as a rest day. I was not even that sore by Monday, but I had done 7 days of yoga in a row, so it seemed like a good idea, plus I had another 12 hour day at work, so, while I could have made the 8.30pm class Monday night, I decided to get some rest instead. I am still alternating between being grateful I can do this much yoga and seeing how much my strength, stamina and balance have progressed since I last did such a challenge last June and just generally missing other physical activity. In the last couple of weeks, I have noticed my core and arms have strengthened up a bit more too, which I assume is because of the continuous nature of my practice this month, so that is exciting, but on the other hand, I also hit a point this week where I wanted to do something other than an all levels class (which is all I have been able to fit into my schedule). I am finishing up the challenge with a yoga 1 class, followed by yin and then restorative yoga tomorrow, so I will be getting the variety I am craving. The coolest part by far in the challenge is seeing how certain poses (like half moon) do get easier for me when I practice every day.
Photo courtesy of Tranquilspace.

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Good luck finishing and enjoy the last classes of the 21 day challenge! I finished mine up today. Sadly, I’m still fairly pathetically inflexible (the strap is my friend for any form of bind), but, like you, I have noticed an increase in strength during the challenge. I held crow today for several breaths which I definitely couldn’t do in early January, so that was actually pretty exciting! Congratulations on your progress and enjoy the restorative classes!
It is amazing how yoga only deepens and deepens, no matter how long a person’s practice has been going on. Glad you have felt more ease in your 1/2 moon
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