A few days ago, while DC was in the middle of a sweltering July heat wave, I was in Boston for work for a couple of days, enjoying slightly cooler temperatures. The above picture sort of looks like it was taken from a boat, but it was actually dry land, near the hotel:
Kudos to the Fairmont Battery Wharf, incidentally – most of my time in Boston was spent in a large conference room at the hotel, with working breakfasts and lunches, and the catering staff was great about setting up gluten-free, vegan meals for me. Even though the meals were served buffet style, my meals came on a separate, covered tray, and I did not get sick once (no food pictures, since I was on work time during those meals).
The hotel also has an Exhale spa, and I was curious to try one of their Core Fusion classes. Scheduling-wise, the one class I could make was a barre class focused on thighs and glutes (“Core Fusion Thighs and Gluteals”). I was actually really glad I had tried out barre earlier this month, and have also done pilates in the past, as the Exhale class was a combination of the two. It was nice to know what I was getting into, and it definitely was an intense class.
Aside from the barre class, I kept my workouts in Boston simple and just went to the gym in the mornings to use the treadmill. It was a whirlwind trip spent mostly in a conference room, so my focus was work and getting a workout in every day I was there, and of course eating. That said, I did get in a couple of fun things, including a walk through the North End and near Government Center to hit the nearest Whole Foods to restock on snacks. I went to college near Boston, so there are parts I know very well, and parts that are completely new to me, like Battery Wharf, so it was nice to get a longer walk in one day. At Whole Foods, I discovered these new-to-me kale chips:
No, the package are not that empty, I just happened to crunch my way through most of it before I thought to take a picture (I was in work mode rather than blog mode). I have an idea for coconut nectar mustard kale chips now. I also found some Pulsin’ Bars (a British brand) which I had just bought in New York, a couple of months ago. They are a less sweet, more complex version of a Lara Bar.
You can see green juice peeking in the corner – it came in handy to rehydrate and I picked up a couple more for post-workout, pre-breakfast snacks. Unlike past trips, where I pack a lot of snacks, knowing the hotel seemed to understand my requests and that I only had a Whole Foods just over a mile away meant I only packed a few basics (protein powder packets, raw almonds, nut butter packets and a few Vega bars).
Part 2 of my Boston recap will be about Wagamama at Faneuil Hall.

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