So I know July has two more days to go, but it went by so fast, I figured I might as well give you a little recap now rather than look up and it be August 10th. Right now, July 4 feels a lot longer ago than just earlier in the month. I am really glad this was the month of the 2012 Self-Care Retreat – led by Cheryl of Gluten Free Goodness – as I had an intense work schedule, a nagging sinus infection, and travel towards the end of the month.
Therefore, it was really nice to reflect on food, support and connection, movement, creativity, and inward reflection – be sure to check out this post from Cheryl that includes all the links related to the retreat. Self-care came in particularly handy when dealing with my sinus issues this month (while my chronic sinus are miles better than life pre-gluten-free, they are by no means perfect) and needing to remember to sleep enough. Also, I am also so glad sweetpress opened up in the neighborhood. When my sinuses are hurting (with the attendant upper gum pain – gah) I also end up dehydrated, no matter how much water I drink, and I find that things like pressed juice or coconut water really help.
Early in the month, I also tried out barre classes a couple of times.
Later in the month, I also travelled to Boston for work, staying in a new-to-me part of the city, at the northernmost tip of the North End:
The above picture sort of looks like it was taken from a boat, but it was actually dry land, near the hotel:
Boston Minute, Part 1: Trying Out Exhale CoreFusion, New Snacks & Travel Eats
Boston Minute, Part 2: Eating Gluten-Free and Vegan at Wagamama
Rereading the above, no wonder July seems like such a whirlwind. I did get some art journaling in early in the month, which was nice, and was fortunate to see many of my friends earlier in the month too. Despite the travel, I was also able to keep up with more yoga in my schedule, which was a nice addition. As I wrote about a month ago, I was starting to feel like my yoga practice was more of a maintenance rather than a dynamic one, and this month has felt like an improvement. I have made it to 14 classes this month so far, and if I go to sleep very soon, can make it to a 15th one tomorrow. The majority have been my usual early morning ones, but I have also made it to a few evening classes, including some yin yoga, so it has been a nice change of pace.
How was your month of July? Any wishes for August?

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Wow, you have been busy! How cool that your Boston trip went so well though!
As I type I have a nagging sinus headache. Sometimes I think mine might be brought on by accidental gluten, in a small amount. I used to suffer with them all the time before going gf, and I have them rarely now, but twice of late I’ve had one after eating out and eating a mainstream product. So I wonder …
I agree that July 4th seems like eons ago! August is almost here. The summer has truly flown by.
So glad to hear you’re feeling better and having less sinus trouble. Glad to hear that yoga is feeling more dynamic.
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