Happy Saturday! I got back a little while ago from an intense DTDC (DanceTrance DC) class, taught by Lauren (that is her on the left, above). Usually, Saturday classes include a half hour of Breakdown, followed by an hour of regular class. Today, there was a two hour class, no Breakdown, which made it even more intense than a usual Saturday class, though very fun. That said, I really like DT Breakdown (often called DTBD) and try to go as often as possible on days where a regular DT class is preceded by DTBD – to me DT Breakdown is what makes Dance Trance different than a lot of other cardio class workouts, including dance cardio classes like Zumba. There is definitely a DT method in that the musical phases (verses, chorus, bridge, and instrumentals) are all synchronized to specific steps, and DT Breakdown is a good way to learn that approach.
DT Breakdown involves breaking down the steps to a couple of songs, which is super helpful if you are a beginner – it also gives you a good sense of what to expect from a regular class, where there is usually no time spent on breakdown. As I mentioned last week, DT choreography is more complicated than other cardio dance classes I have been to, like Zumba. While it can be picked up just by attending class, I find the DT Breakdown classes are where I really learn the steps, particularly for those songs where there are many turns or where you face towards the back of the room for part of the song (which, if there is only one instructor, places the instructor behind you and means you can’t watch them to help you pick up the steps). The pace in a Breakdown class is slightly slower – you run through each song at least twice from beginning to end, and there is also a portion of the class spent walking through the steps without music (usually between the two runs through each song). In DT movements repeat with the lyrics/music, but sometimes the regular classes go so fast that I do not always pick up the nuances in a set of steps. That is not to say DT is hard, because it is not – overall, the moves are easy to learn, but the sequencing of the steps is where I find Breakdown helpful.
I usually go to DT Breakdown at DTDC on Thursdays (full hour of DTBD before a full hour DT class) or Saturdays (half hour of DTBD before a full hour DT class). There is also a Tuesday morning DT Breakdown class, and once a month, there is a major DT Breakdown extravaganza at DTDC. Called DT Rewind, it is a two-hour class on the last Sunday of every month from 2pm to 4pm. Tomorrow is November’s DT Rewind class. Like all DTDC classes, it is held at DTDC’s home, Balance Gym, near Thomas Circle. DT Rewind is a Breakdown class where the instructor recaps and breaks down all the new routines learned in the previous month. It is a great introduction if you are new to DTDC, and a good way to catch up if you missed DTBD during the month or just want a refresher. You can see get all the info on DTDC here, connect with DTDC on twitter, or, to see more pictures of the various classes and community events on Facebook, you can even friend DTDC, or like them.
Photo courtesy of Dance Trance DC.
Disclosure: In exchange for writing a series of blog posts on DTDC, DTDC has offered me a two-month complimentary DTDC membership. I have received no additional compensation for these posts. My opinion of DTDC is uninfluenced by receiving the complimentary membership, especially as I have previously paid for a DTDC membership and will resume doing so after my complimentary membership expires.

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Hats off to you for being able to do DTDC, Valerie! I could never do synchronized anythng. 😉 Love to dance … I just can’t do the routines. Sounds like fun and a good workout though!
So glad you are loving the classes Shirley! Sarah is doing a terrific job starting up DT DC! We really enjoy reading your posts!
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