Today is January 20 and the last time I actually went to the gym to use an elliptical or other machine was December 31. It was not quite intentional, but I have been able to fit in lots of yoga classes and DanceTrance DC classes (including both high-cardio and DT Breakdown classes) – usually 3 of each every week, or 4 of one and 2 of the other – that I just have not gone to the gym. Now with only another ten days or so left on the month, I wonder if I can keep up this unintentional challenge. I know gyms tend to get crowded in January, but it has never bothered me, which makes it even funnier I have been on this unintentional gym break.
The main reason I like the gym is the flexibility of the time – i.e. I can go anytime to use the treadmill or the runner’s elliptical, my two go-to’s – but I much prefer classes to solo gym time. Also, I have noticed that my hamstrings and knees have been a lot happier with three weeks off from the treadmill and the runner’s elliptical.
I think I am going to try to keep this up through the end of the month, though, ideally, I would like to also make it to a barre class (I have not been since the summer), likely at (which I loved – I especially love Rachel’s classes) or perhaps Pure Barre. I may also take a mat pilates or another class at my gym at some point this month.

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You know things like this seem to happen for a reason, you are still working out, staying limber, staying focused both mentally and physically. I applaude your creativity and welliness to keep an open mind about what it means to “workout” I think you are going to find this was your most productive month ever, in manys ways! Bravo!!!