Hello from snowy Washington, DC. My office was closed today so I worked from home. And did #snowga:
(Photo courtesy of Tranquilspace & Kimberly Wilson)
One thing I really appreciate about living in downtown DC is that as long as you can climb over the (badly ploughed) banks of snow, you can generally get in some movement – gyms, yoga studios and other boutique fitness studios may have reduced hours, but they tend to open. At this point, #snowga (or #hurricaneyoga back in 2012) has become a tradition. So, after a morning of calls and drafting, it was refreshing to take a short walk and indulge in some yoga. Aside from yoga that my day involved work, catching up with a dear friend who also happens to be a neighbor, and hopefully (assuming I finish this last project of the day soon) a little bit of me time. I am so very grateful that, despite the extreme weather, I am warm,cozy, did yoga, still have power and internet. So tell me – did you have a snow day? And what are you grateful for?

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I love that word “snowga”! I’m finding that it’s really easy to be active here in NYC. The snow doesn’t slow us down much. Schools don’t even close for blizzard conditions! But when you walk everywhere it’s much easier to get through it all. I’ve noticed that all of my gym classes have been packed even during snowstorms.