Hello blog-land- it has been a while, hasn’t it. When I started blogging less and less, I always wondered if eventually I would hit a “blog-craving” – you know, when you are looking your blog and you think “I really want to post.” I did occasionally, because I like sharing things about life, gluten-free vegan food, travel, and sundry topics… and then I would post about it on Instagram. Interestingly, I had semi-sort-of foreshadowed all of this almost exactly three years ago too: Looking at the last few weeks and ahead at the next few weeks, it is likely that posts here will continue to be sporadic, so I encourage you to follow me on Instagram in addition to this site.
I remember when I was blogging actively, I could not imagine not blogging. And back then, I could also not imagine cooking more elaborate interesting meals. Yet, fast forward a few years, and I most definitely have done both things. There have been (too many) weeks of spinach salad with hemp seeds, smoothies, lara bars, red lentils cooked with turmeric, baked tofu, rinse and repeat. 2016 was the height of food simplicity, but 2016, along with 2015, are the two years I have worked the hardest in my life. In 2016 alone, I had 17 to 19 work trips, depending on whether you count by cities or by times I was out of DC). Oddly, though, I kept at my 5 workouts/yoga classes a week, and eating gluten-free and vegan, sticking to at least one green smoothie or green juice a day. That’s a post for another day, but looking back to some blog entries in the past (like this one), moving did not always come so naturally to me, yet now I take it for granted.
Fast forward to today. 2017 is a little more balanced in some ways. Back in January, I decided to post an average of 1 instagram a day and see if eventually I would want to blog again. I called it my January plan, and kind of forgot about it. So some combination of that plan, and/or 2017 being a bit more balanced, might be why today, of all days, I truly wanted to put a post out there. I suspect the craving will hit again at some point (I have several post ideas percolating), but in the meantime, there’s always instagram – I think of it as mini-blogging. Even if you don’t have instagram, you can always look at it without having an account.

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