On Habits, Resolutions, Intentions, Challenges and New Year’s

January 5, 2012

As I was walking to yoga this morning at 6.45 am in 14 degree weather, wearing so many layers I could barely move my arms, I had several thoughts: I am so glad I borrowed my husband’s super thick fleece scarf. A tank top + a long sleeved shirt + a sweater + a fleece […]

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Kettle Cuisine Soups, Perfect for Frigid Weather

January 4, 2012

Good evening from the icicle known as Washington, DC.  Based on what I read today, it is likely unseasonably cold for many of you.  I don’t know about you, but weather like this always makes me want soup.  Now, it is well established that I am all about making food from scratch. However, I also […]

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New Year’s Day

January 3, 2012
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Happy Monday.  I had a very fun and restorative New Year’s Day yesterday, including a rare luxury – several hours of art journaling time, with a couple of breaks for a long walk, brunch at Open City Diner, and a yoga class.   I just finished posting my recap of my 11 for 2011 resolutions/intentions/goals but […]

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11 for 2011 Recap

January 3, 2012
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Thank you for the comments on my December recap post – I am really pleased with how parts of my December worked out, especially the movement part.  Resolutions are funny things for me – some of my longest lasting resolutions have been things that I resolved out of the blue, like my Tuesday night yoga […]

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December Sanity Challenge Wrap-up And A Monthly Recap

December 31, 2011
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While I am all about easing into the New Year’s, I wanted to wrap up the December Sanity Challenge today and, since I did not do weekly recaps this month, I am starting with a monthly recap of what I did in my free time: 16 flow yoga classes 2 restorative yoga classes 8 elliptical […]

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Art Journaling With Friends, Pre-Holiday Edition

December 31, 2011
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Happy New Year’s Eve! I took a bit of a semi-unforeseen technology break these last couple of weeks.  As I often do, I am easing into the New Year’s – meaning that while 2012 officially starts tomorrow, my new planner has not yet arrived (at least I ordered it before Christmas – hmmm, actually, come […]

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Nori Kale Salad

December 20, 2011
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Lately, I have been all about chocolate. Sunbutter Mini-Cups, Festive Cranberry Chocolate Smoothie, and Crunchy Bittersweet Chocolate Bites.  So I thought today we would go the savory route – I first made this salad a couple of weeks ago when I got home from work late and wanted a kale salad, but needed a change.  […]

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December Sanity Challenge

December 15, 2011
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On Black Friday, I received an email from the indomitable Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness – remember her, we co-hosted a Self-Care Retreat back in July –  where she suggested a sanity challenge: "The challenge—post on what you plan to do to make your holidays sane, happy and healthy.  Make it specific!  Not just “I’ll get […]

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Sunflower Mini-Cups

December 12, 2011
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We are closing in on the last week of Gluten-Free Holiday, created by Amy of Simply Sugar and Gluten Free and hosted this week by the lovely Maggie of She Let Them Eat Cake.  This week the theme is dessert and my submission is these Sunflower Mini-Cups. I was looking back on my chocolate recipes […]

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Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger: Gluten Free SCD and Veggie

December 10, 2011
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I discovered Vicky’s blog Gluten-Free SCD and Veggie back in June after she commented on my Facebook page she made Quinoa Pizza.  I immediately loved Vicky’s blog recipes – lots of beautiful vegetable dishes, many naturally vegan or easily made vegan with a few simple substitutions – she also has a great gluten-free recipe index.  […]

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Week in Review, Transformed Mornings

December 6, 2011
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Last week was an intense work-week, but I did manage to fit in the following: 5 7am yoga classes (talk about transforming my mornings) 1 jaunt to the gym to use the elliptical 1 restorative yoga class, preceded by a quick pre-yoga tea with a new friend and running into Lisa  Dinner with Gena (see […]

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Festive Cranberry Chocolate Smoothie

December 6, 2011
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The day after Thanksgiving, I had a scant quarter cup leftover from making two batches of Kim’s Apple Cranberry Sauce and my Grain-Free Cranberry Sage Dressing so I decided to try a cranberry chocolate smoothie that morning, before heading to the office.  It turned out wonderfully refreshing yet complex.  Also, for a smoothie, it had […]

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Week in Review, Thanksgiving Week

December 4, 2011
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Happy Saturday evening. After a very active couple of weeks with lots of time out and about (not to mention long hours at work), it is so nice to be home. Also, it is a good time to blog.  As I am eyeing doing a major three week recap tomorrow, I decided to break it […]

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Parsnip Love

November 30, 2011
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Tomorrow is December. I still can remember December sneaking up on me last year, which is why it is very confusing it has happened again. Let’s talk parsnips instead.  I do not cook with them often enough.  When I saw parsnips was the ingredient for this month’s Sweet or Savory Kitchen Challenge hosted, as always, […]

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Grain-Free Cranberry Sage Dressing

November 25, 2011
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Happy Thanksgiving! First, I am so grateful for you reading, year after year. This blog has grown a lot from a friends and family blog in 2007 to what it is today. So thank you! I am also grateful for family, friends, good food, and good health. I went to the gym this morning and […]

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