Week in Review, The Week Before Thankgiving

November 22, 2011
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The week before Thanksgiving had some highlights, but was not so fun in other ways – first, the highlights: Late evening SweetGreen run with a friend I had not seen in a long time Early Sunday brunch with Katie of Quick Cook Rice at Open City Diner (review from another visit, that time with our […]

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Crunchy Bittersweet Chocolate Bites

November 20, 2011
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As for many people, this tends to be a busy of time of year at my job, so, as a quick break from work,  I am just stopping by with a recipe for these wonderfully crunchy, sweet with a touch of savory chocolate bites. They are gift-giving-worthy, which is why I am submitting them to […]

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Hail Merry Grawnola

November 17, 2011
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When the nice folks at Hail Merry emailed me and asked me if I was interested in receiving products for a potential review on the blog, I was really excited. I love Hail Merry. Yes, I know I could make macaroons and raw granola and soaked/flavored/dehydrated nuts and seeds on my own – and I […]

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Weekly Recap, Grateful for Wonderful Friends

November 16, 2011
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This past week has lots of fun stuff wedged in between long work hours and a working Saturday: 2 7am yoga classes + 1 evening yoga class (and two of those were on the same day) 2 7am + 1 evening gym jaunts, all on the elliptical Launched City|Life|Eats redesign Recovered from double yoga in […]

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Art Journaling with Friends

November 15, 2011
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On Sunday, I got together with a few friends (Julia, Lisa, Julie and Rachel) to Art Journal at Teaism – all of us had attended previous workshops on the topic and wanted to art journal as part of a group again.  While we all worked individually on our pages, there is something very fun about […]

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Minty High-Protein Chia Pudding with Cacao Nibs

November 15, 2011
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Breakfast is an ever-changing work in progress for me.   I often have smoothies, or green juice followed up with a roasted sweet potato or a chia pudding.  Lately, there’s been some gluten-free oatmeal too.   This chia pudding arose out of me trying to capture the subtle mint flavor in my Minty Chocolate Smoothie and turning […]

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Unveiling, the New and Improved City|Life|Eats

November 10, 2011

Isn’t the site pretty?  After 4+ years of blogging, I took the plunge and decided it was time to move to self-hosted.  I wanted to feel like I had ownership of my content.  Through the wonderful Gena, I found Cory of Zesty Blog Consulting Services, who also happens to be a fellow food blogger at […]

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Weekly Recap, Just This Past Week

November 9, 2011
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This past week was very full – I worked late and all day Saturday, so was especially grateful I could fit in the following: 3 7am gym jaunts for elliptical time 2 7am yoga classes A Saturday indoor/outdoors 3+ mile walk – I did 1.75 miles at a steep incline at the gym and 1.8ish […]

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You Have Five Minutes

November 9, 2011

I mentioned on Sunday that I am participating in A Gluten-Free Holiday, hosted by Amy of Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free The first week’s theme is Healthier Through the Holidays.  I wrote a long post about this last year, which came down to the following tips: Change your mindset Enjoy whole foods Focus on veggies for […]

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Another Quick Note

November 8, 2011

A quick note to say that things are looking quite a bit different today here – the switch to wordpress has occurred, and I am now just waiting to see how redirects and everything settle down .   The social media buttons on the right still need to be activated too.  Also, tt seems that […]

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A Quick Note

November 7, 2011

A quick note to say that things may look a bit different here when you visit in the next couple of days. I am in the process of moving to WordPress.

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Collard Greens with Tahini

November 7, 2011
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While this dish may not scream Thanksgiving, it has the richness of creamed spinach, with a sweet-savory-tangy flavor profile that gives the dish a nice complexity and is perfect for a festive meal.  I made the dish with tofu, as the recipe that inspired me used it, but I could see this working equally well […]

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Art Journal Playshop, November Edition

November 7, 2011
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So, clearly, I am loving these art journal workshops/playshops led by Kimberly Wilson, considering this is the third one I have gone to this year (January and July recaps). Here is Kimberly leading the playshop.  I always have such fun and feel like I learn something new every time.  Here are some takeaways: art journal […]

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The Possibility that Comes with the End of Daylight Savings Time

November 6, 2011
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I know – I have posts on healthy holidays, Shophouse, lunchbox updates and a few product reviews brewing- but instead, here I am chatting about the end of DST. Can we say could.not.come.soon.enough. Back in April, when I started thinking about trying to become more of a morning exerciser, I was very strategic – I […]

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Moop Comes to Washington, DC

November 4, 2011
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Last Friday, I had the super exciting opportunity to attend a Moop pop-up shop hosted by Hemphill in Washington, DC.  To say I am a Moop fan is an understatement – I have loved the beautiful bags ever since I first saw them on etsy when I still lived in New York.  In fact, when […]

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