Week in Review, On Earthquakes and Hurricanes

August 29, 2011

  This was quite a week – returning from travel, then an earthquake, then the hurricane. Work kept me busy, but on my own time, I also did the following: 4 7am yoga practices 1 7am meditation 1 Yin yoga class preceded by a quick catch up with a friend 1 Restorative yoga class to […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Return from Travel: Part Two

August 28, 2011
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It feels somewhat wrong to be writing about as mundane a topic as keeping up with one’s wellness routine post-travel (see part 1) when Washington is waking up post-storm while Irene has now moved on to New York and New Jersey.  Then again, I do not really know what else to say about the storm […]

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Tropical Tango Smoothie

August 27, 2011
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This has been an odd week, to say the least. First the earthquake on Tuesday, then this hurricane/tropical storm situation.  I feel lucky and grateful – we have power, and I am warm and cozy – and have had a nice day, with some catching up on my life and some work as well.  I […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Diptastic

August 27, 2011
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This weekday lunchbox from earlier in the week was also part of getting back into routines after travelling.  Lunch and a couple of snacks – it was all about dips and dippers: Dips: hummus and a new black bean hummus/dip situation I tried out (still a work in progress)   Dippers: Cucumber slices and celery, red […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Another Post-Travel Lunchbox

August 25, 2011
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Happy Wednesday! Thank you for all the great feedback on my post yesterday about getting back into routines after travelling.  Here is another lunchbox relying on some of these tips, which includes lunch and 3 snacks: Leftover quinoa with chickpeas and lentils from last week (which I froze while I was away, and defrosted in […]

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Flaky Chocolate Snack for Go Ahead Honey It’s Gluten-Free

August 25, 2011
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This month, our hostess for Go Ahead Honey It’s Gluten-Free, an event created by Naomi of  Straight To Bed, Cakefree and Dried,  is the wonderful Shirley of Gluten Free Easily, who you might remember I adopted recently.  Shirley is all about focusing on gluten-free recipes that are naturally gluten-free and non-intimidating, and the theme she […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Return from Travel

August 24, 2011
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The irony! The day I plan to write about how to not let  things like travel and changes in your schedule get in the way of packing a lunchbox that meets your standard of health/allergy-friendliness, we all encounter a semi-major disruption in the form of an earthquake.  I say semi-major in that it sounds like […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Back from Philadelphia

August 23, 2011
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Happy Monday! I got back last night from HLS and immediately set out to get food for the week on track, which was helped by a little pre-planning prior to leaving for the weekend and a little help via purchased kale chips (yay OpenSky credit).  Above is today’s lunchbox of lunch, dinner and several snacks: […]

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Week in Review, HLS Edition

August 22, 2011
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Reminder – giveaway to win a ticket to the Take Back Your Health Conference here. This week has flown by! 4 7am yoga classes Dinner with Lisa at Café Green Travel to Philadelphia for the Healthy Living Summit, including a blogger lunch, the conference, and dinner with more bloggers after the conference. Super long walk […]

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Healthy Living Summit: Saturday Dinner at Kanella

August 22, 2011
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I am on my way back to Washington, DC after spending the weekend in Philadelphia at the Healthy Living Summit.  It was a very nice weekend away, meeting bloggers whose blogs I had been reading for a long time as well as discovering new blogs.   One of the things I had been looking forward to […]

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Healthy Living Summit: Recap

August 21, 2011
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The Healthy Living Summit has been lovely in that I have gotten to meet so many people I knew through blogging including Anne of fANNEetastic food (who is a master at the angling of a camera for taking a picture of two people), Katie of Nourishing Flourishing (who provides so much inspiration), and Freya of […]

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Healthy Living Summit: Friday Lunch at Pumpkin Bakery

August 21, 2011
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As I mentioned this morning, I am in Philadelphia for the Healthy Living Summit this weekend.  Yesterday I met up with Sarah of the SHU Box (who writes candidly about a variety of life and health topics, including all things organization and mindfulness) and we had lunch, along with several other bloggers, at Pumpkin Market. […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Philadelphia!

August 20, 2011
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Reminder – giveaway to win a ticket to the Take Back Your Health Conference here. Happy Saturday! I am in Philadelphia for the Healthy Living Summit today. As many of you already known, I write a lunchbox series on this blog, in addition to writing about mindful living, gluten-free vegan recipes, and yoga.   – and […]

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{Today’s Lunchbox} Basic but Good

August 18, 2011
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Happy Thursday! My husband made stirfry this week, and I got home too late to enjoy it for dinner, so I get to enjoy it as part of a lunchbox: Green smoothie experiment (let’s just say this experiment was only ok) Romaine with red peppers Leftover peanut-sauced vegetable and tofu stir-fry leftovers. I packed enough […]

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Curried Quinoa Salad with Lentils

August 18, 2011
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I cannot quite believe how fast August is flashing by.  That said I am determined to enjoy every bit of summer, including the wonderful fresh peppers at the market.  Today’s lunchbox contains a new recipe – Curried Quinoa Salad with Lentils – but unlike the picture where the peppers are sliced, I think they would […]

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